How to Install Microsoft and Mac fonts on Ubuntu.

 I am going to show you how to install the Mac and windows fonts on Ubuntu 10.04, but I have to give credit because I found this on there and wanted to share this with the Instructables community.
How to Install Microsoft and Mac fonts on Ubuntu.

Step 1Open Firefox

Open Firefox

On Ubuntu, Open your Firefox web browser.

Step 2Type Mac4Lin in the google search box.

Type Mac4Lin in the google search box.
Type Mac4Lin in the google search bar, OR go to Click Search.

Step 3The Search Results

The Search Results
Click on the search result to the link

Step 4Navigate Again.

Navigate Again.
Navigate to

Step 5Open Terminal

Open Terminal
  • Terminal.png

  • Terminal Window.png

  • Terminal.png

  • commandlinemacosxfromgoogle.jpg

Open the Ubuntu Terminal.

Step 6Type

Type This In Terminal: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

Step 7Enter

Hit your enter key on the keyboard. type y (then enter) for any question that comes up.

Step 8Restart Ubuntu

Restart Ubuntu
Restart Ubuntu and log back in. When you go to use gedit or open office, you can use your new fonts. Thx to sourceforge for help! Thanks for the comments!
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