multi-threaded download manager
- Faster downloads (with Segmented/Multi-threaded/Accelerated transfers)
- Download resuming (Pause and
- restart where you stopped)
- Download scheduling
- Organizes files you have already downloaded
- View server messages (HTTP, FTP, file://). No HTTPS support.
- Available in multiple languages and easily translated. Now available in Portuguese [Brazil], Spanish, English, German, Russian, Hungarian, Armenian, Indonesian and Dutch
- Connection to HTTP/FTP servers which require a password
- Calculates the MD5/SHA1 checksum of downloaded files so they can be easily verified
- Metalink support
- Firefox integration through FlashGot
- Can be used as a portable download manager (Windows only)
- Can be used over proxy servers(HTTP proxy support)
Mac OS X Build
At the moment, there are some users trying to build the wxDownload Fast on OS X.
But there are some problems that need to be fixed before the Mac build become usable
(The programs builds, but for some reason the interface become blocked).
Read this forum topic for more informations.
Download Details
- Publisher: Max Velasques & LinktoHow
- Date Updated / Originally Released: 2011-02-26 / 2011-02-26
- System Requirements: 2000/XP/Vista/7
- License: GPL
- Source Code: Launcher (included), wxDownload Fast
- MD5 Hash (for the geeks): 4c0e26a9837448d25cdca959bdfa2fc7