touch typing tutor
TIPP10 is a free touch typing tutor for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The ingenious thing about the software is its intelligence feature. Characters that are mistyped are repeated more frequently. Beginners will find their way around right away so they can start practicing without a hitch.
Useful support functions and an extensive progress tracker, topical lessons and the ability to create your own practice lessons make learning to type easy.
- Easy to use and for free - Simple, clear interface is usable by beginners and even children. It even includes a typing game.
- Intelligent text selection - Mistyped letters will be repeated more frequently to help you learn faster.
- Ticker and virtual assistance keyboard - Keys and keypaths are shown on-screen in a user-customizable ticker.
- Detailed results - Comprehensive reports and lists of completed lessons allow you to easily track your progress and see which fingers and keys need work.
- Open lessons and using your own texts - Adding lessons for particular styles (legal, programming, etc) are also available. You can even create your own.
- Extensive customization - A wide variety of customizations is available.
Touch typing has never been so easy to learn.
Download Details
- Publisher: Tom Thielicke IT Solutions &LinktoHow
- Date updated / Date Released: 2011-03-19 / 2011-03-19
- System Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
- License: Free / Open Source (Launcher: GPL, TIPP10: GPL)
- Source Code: Launcher (included), TIPP10
- MD5 Hash (for the geeks): 0585030f330f529800d3ed86f38ccb87