How To Edit StringTable Strings

Strings stored in Stringtables are primarily used as text in message boxes, list boxes, combo boxes, tooltips, and command displays in the statusbar. Stingtable strings can also contain control characters and placeholders (e.g., %d, %s).

Edit Strings with Resource Tuner

1. Expand the String folder that’s found in the Resource Tree view, and select the stringtable resource to be edited in the Resource Tree. You will see the STRINGTABLE script.
2. Press the Resource Editor button to edit a selected stringtable. Or simply double-click the resource item directly.
Edit a stringtable
3. Select the string entry from the table and make any desired changes. You can also open a text file to use as a source (Ctrl+O) or paste text from clipboard (Ctrl+V). A missing string or improperly altered placeholder string can cause a modified program to crash at run time. So be careful.
Make any desired changes
4. Press OK to close the Resource Editor and select 'File' -> 'Save File As ...' to save the changes you've just made to the target file. If warned that the image size has changed, click "Yes" to update the file size.
Any change you make can be restored prior to quitting the editor using the OK button. To abort your changes quit the editor using the Cancel button.
String IDs cannot be edited. These values are hard coded into the target file. Changing them is likely to cause the modified program to crash.
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