How to Adding ” Read More ” to blogger Posts

Do you wanna display only posts summary on your blog
index page. and add read more
or continue read link.
finally after about 4 hours of applying alot of ways. i found the best way to add “read more” link to your blogspot blog.
to display only the summary of your posts on your blog index page and archive pages.
We’ll make 2 main changes, first for the main template and the second for the post template.
don’t worry. it is easy, simple, and clear way.
before we start please read the next note carefully.

- Before We Start: 
- You need to be careful while changing your template.
- Before you make any changes, Back up your template and save it at safe place.

ok . here we go.
log in to your blogger account.
Now find the blog you want to edit if you own more than one blog.
And click “layout” table. then choose “Edit html”

Step 1:
Make sure to check the “expand widget templates”

Step 2:
Search for :



and just before it insert the next code

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

Step 3:
Search for :



and just after it insert the next code

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'><br />
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read more...</a>
The result should look like this:


Step 4:
Now Click save template button.
we finished the template modifications.
we need now to add very simple code to our post template. and don’t worry. it’s too easy.

Step 5:
Leave layout and go to settings.
Select Formatting.
at the bottom of the formatting page you’ll find Post Template form.
just copy and past the next code into it.

PPost Before “read more”
<span class="fullpost">
And here is the rest of it

Step 6:
go to posts and try to post new post and you’ll find the next code into post body:
Post Before “read more”
<span class="fullpost">
And here is the rest of it
put the part of the post that you want it to appears at your blog index and archive pages instate of:
” Post Before “
and put the rest of the post instate of:
“And here is the rest of it”
click Publish Post and Enjoy..
And here is demo blog
that we applied this hack for it.
Additional info

If you wanna change the ‘read more’ text to be some thing like.
more details, continue reading, or
just change the word “Read more!” in step 3 to the word that you want.
If you have any problems please leave comment here,
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