How to make Portable room cooler

You can make this tiny looking yet powerful evaporative room cooler with dumped items at your home.  
Portable room cooler

List of items used in this project-

1. A metallic cubical box (I used Munchini wafer box (6X6x6 inch) )
2. Cooler pad (found at hardware shop, 1 pad is sufficient for the job)
3. Wire mesh approximately 24x15 inch.
4. Fan 22W, 2700rpm, 220Vyou can even use your old computer fan)
(Available at electronic parts shop)

5. Water pump. For this you have two options-
a) Make your own pump using instructable available on the site, as I did.
b) Purchase from the market (the small one)

6. Rubber pipe (1cm in diameter and 1m long)

Few basic tools and items required-
Pliers, screwdriver, knife, hammer, M-seal, tape, super glue (fevi quick), cutter and few loose wires for fitting purposes.

Step 1Step 1

Step 1

 Take the box; make a square window (4x4inch) on 3 sides and 1 round window on front side. Use knife to cutoff metallic portion.

Step 2Step 2

Step 2
Attach fan inside the box using nuts.

Step 3Step 3

Step 3

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Make 3 cooler pads by cutting out wire mash of the size of window you made.
Sandwich the pad grass with 2 mashes using some wire.
Fit the pads from inside the cooler frame using M seal and loose wires.

Step 4Step 4

step 4
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Make water connections as shown in the photos
Use an external water container and place pump inside it

Step 5Water proof pump

water proof pump
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For pump you need a water proof motor which is not easily available, So I just mounted my motor on thin iron rods.This prevents rusting
To make such type of pump follow these-
1. Take a 12v dc motor and remove the gear box if present so as to use 2400 rmp.
2.Attach a thin rod with the shaft of the motor using M-seal and fevi-quick.
3. Attach  supporting rods using M-seal.
4. Cup of the pump (main part which will go inside the water ) can be any round container of appropriate size.
5. take out the  metal sheet from pepsi mycan and use it for making blades(which will actually rotate the water inside the cup)
6. attach these 4 blades with the rod (attached to the shaft)
7.use 12-24 v dc adapter for supply.
8. pump is ready to lift..

Step 6Done

Supply power as rated on fan and pump

Your portable cooler is ready yooo...!!
Fb Comments
Comments :

1 comment:

  1. brother,how the function this portable cooler..plss explain more about it???
