How to Become Member and Write for TechCrab


Write for TechCrab
TechCrab is a Technology blog that focuses on Latest Computer tips and tricks,Blogger,SEO,Internet Tools,Tech,Reviews etc.
TechCrab is a fast growing tech blog.and we encourage Guest blogging,so Guest Authors are welcomed. 

Benefits as a Guest Author:
  • You get 2 links to your from the article if its relevant and another from the post footer
  • Your Guest post will be promoted on all major social networking and sharing sites
  • You will get free traffic and loyal readers
Guidelines to follow :
  • Articles must be a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 1500 words 
  • Self promotion is not allowed in the article body( one link if its relevant )
  • Article must be fresh and not published anywhere in the web before
  • Once published it should not be published elsewhere and also the article wont be deleted form TechCrab
  • TechCrab has the right to alter or remove the article
How to write for TechCrab ?
TechCrab runs on Blogger it has no option like wordpress for guest posting.but you can be the author of TechCrab. All you have to do is contact me  and request for Guest posting. or else you can send your posts via Email. (mail to:Study2placement[@] We guarantee that posts send via email will not be misused. It will be reviewed and if it follows all the guidelines it will be published.

Copied Contents will be deleted instantly
Please note that copied contents are not entertained at 
TechCrab.we need only genuine posts.
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