How To Gmail Works - Part-I


Gmail Features

Gmail features make e-mail easier and more convenient. Let's take a closer look at some like Gmail Notifier, which can alert you when you have a new message, and Mail Fetcher, which allows you to retrieve e-mail from other services, like Yahoo Mail or AOL.
gmail filters
Image courtesy of Google
­Gmail users can create their filters for
sending and receiving e-mails.
Gmail Notifier
This downloadable application lets you know when you have new Gmail messages -- without opening your browser. The Notifier automatically checks for new messages every two minutes. With it, you can see a brief section of text from up to 30 messages and select a sound to indicate you have new mail.
Running Gmail Notifier requires Windows 2000, Windows XP or a newer version of Windows. Mac users need OS X 10.3.8 or later to run the Notifier, which can also alert them of upcoming events recorded on Google Calendar.
Mail Fetcher
This feature lets you fetch and download messages from up to five other e-mail accounts. Mail Fetcher will check all of the accounts regularly so that mail from them appears automatically in Gmail. Accounts that you want to access must be POP (Post Office Protocol) access enabled. POP allows users to download messages from Gmail's servers so e-mail can be accessed without an Internet connection.
Contact Groups
By creating a contact group, you can quickly send e-mails to everyone in the group. To create a group, click "Contacts" at the left and then "New Group" in the top left corner. Enter the name of the group and click "OK."
To fill the group with contacts, select the contacts you want in the Contacts list. Then open the Groups menu, and under "Add to . . .," select the group you want.
For later additions, enter the contact's name or e-mail address in the "Add this to group" box below the contact list.
To send a message to the group, go to the Compose window. After "To:" enter the first few letters of the contact group's name. Choose from the list that auto-complete suggests and write and send your message.
Security and Spam
Gmail is security conscious, starting with virus scans of every attachment you send. Every attachment you receive is scanned twice, when it's delivered and when you open the message. Questionable e-mails go directly into the spam folder. To remove spam from your inbox, select the unwanted message and click "Report Spam."
You also can send unwanted mail from specific addresses or domains directly to the trash by setting up a filter. Click "Create a filter" under the search box. Fill in fields with your criteria for the filter, and click "Next Step." Choose how you want the e-mails handled by checking a box such as "Delete it." Then click "Create Filter."
Parental Controls
Children under age 13 need parental permission to create a Gmail account. Parents also can use mail filters to block unwanted mail from reaching their children.
Gmail also recommends that parents:
  • Keep their child's computer in a public area of the house so they can monitor online activity.
  • Download parental control software or use browser settings that can block unwanted visits to inappropriate sites.
  • Discuss appropriate e-mail communication and behavior.
  • Advise children not to download attachments from unknown senders -- and to check with an adult if they're unsure.
  • Tell children not to give identifiable photos or information over e-mail or in chats, particularly to strangers.
Gmail continues to look at new ways to send and receive e-mail. Keep reading to learn how you can use Gmail for chat, instant messaging with AIM users, e-mailing from mobile devices and mail with voice.

Gmail Innovations

Gmail innovations go beyond simply handling e-mail on your personal computer. With Gmail from Google, you can chat with a friend or in groups, instant message (IM) with other AIM users, take advantage of mail with voice and use Gmail for Mobile from your BlackBerry, iPhone or other mobile device.
Mail with Voice
If you're also signed into downloadable Google Talk while using Gmail's chat features, you can make and receive voice calls. A "Call" button will appear next to your contacts' profiles. Unless that button appears gray, the person is available to talk.
Your contacts also can leave you voice messages using Google Talk's voicemail. These will appear as special messages in your inbox. They have the subject "Voicemail from ContactName (x seconds)" and appear with a telephone icon. To hear voicemail, click "Play" in the conversation view.
gmail chat
Image courtesy of Google
­Gmail lets users chat with friends directly from their inbox.
Gmail Chat
Like Google Talk, Gmail allows you to chat with just one person or with a group. You can chat with anyone on your chat list who has a colored ball next to his or her name. Go to "Chat" and find and click on the name of the person you want. That will open a chat window, so enter your message and press "Enter."
You also can search for a contact by entering the name you want in the box at the top of Chat. Or you can search for the person you want from your Contacts list and then click the Chat link. When you're finished chatting, click the x in the top right corner of the chat window. Chat works with Internet Explorer 6.0+ or Firefox 1.0+ but not with Safari or other browsers. Chats are saved and can be searched.
Group chat lets you talk with an unlimited number of contacts at once. Here's how to set it up:
  1. Start a chat with one person in your Contacts list.
  2. Click "Options" at the bottom left of the chat window, and select "Group Chat."
  3. Enter the names of contacts you want to add in "Add a person to this chat."
  4. To end the chat, click the x in the corner of the chat window. The group chat continues until everyone has left.
Chat/IM with AIM Users
With Gmail chat, you can sign into your AIM account from Gmail to chat with AIM buddies. They're listed among your contacts, and you can search for them. To chat, you just click on a name on your chat list and type a message.
Gmail for Mobile
Gmail for mobile can be accessed through a smartphone's Web browser or from an application downloaded to the phone. To access by browser, point your phone's browser to Gmail. The interface makes it appear as if you're using Gmail on your computer.
Downloadable Gmail for mobile also keeps your actions in sync with your Gmail account, but it's faster and uses less data than the browser version. To try downloadable Gmail for mobile, point the phone's browser to Gmail applications.
Either version provides Gmail functions like search and conversation view. And both have automatic synching so anything you do in Gmail from your phone is also shown in your regular Gmail account.
This article gives an overiew of Gmail services, but Google keeps upgrading and adding to its offerings. For lots more information about Gmail and related topics,
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