If you want to be able to Install Unsigned Applications on your Phone, You need to get a Certificate & Key . "You must get the Key & Certificate before you can Proceed and Understand me".
Follow these steps:
1. FREE SIGNER: This will help you Sign any Application that does not want to Install on your Phone, thereby making it Installable (doesn't really HacK the phone).
- First get the Free Signer Application from any of the links below: Click Here
- After your download, install it.
- Now, open it (after the Installation), and follow me well to make sure it works confirm. Settings >>| Locate these two Informations:
- ''Sign Cert'' : Now, Click & Insert the Certificate you Downloaded from OPDA / mobiplanet.in or anywhere.
- "Sign Key" : Click and Insert the Key you Downloaded. Then follow other necessary Procedures. Now, Open Free Signer again and Select "Add Task" Now browse through your files and Select the application that needs to be signed from the file browser. After that, Click “Options” and select “Add”. After Adding the Software you want to Sign, then Select ''Option'', it pops up a MENU. Now, From the pop up Menu, Select “Sign sis”. Click “Options” and Select “Go”. Thats all.
NOTE: The Application will be Saved into the Folder where the Original file is. The Signed one would be named with _signed.
2. HELLO OX HACKING: Hacking Phones are done for many reasons. There are many Applications for different reasons. HelloOx is one of the Numerous Phone Hacker Applications. It is used to Install UNSIGNED APPLICATIONS and also Avoid CERTIFICATE ERROR while Installing Some Applications (you know what I mean) Now, one of the easiest way to Install any Unsigned Application, Avoiding Certificate Error is to install Hello OX. SIGNING HELLO OX Download HelloOX from sharemobile. Just search for it from http://sharemobile.ro/search.php In the Search Box put HelloOX Then select the one you want. If you download the Unsigned one, just
In the Search Box put HelloOX Then select the one you want. If you download the Unsigned one, just Sign it following the Process I stated above for signing Other Applications and Dont Forget you must have your KEY and CERT. I would advise you to Download the Already Signed One at sharemobile from the Search Results. Now install and Run the Signed HelloOX on your mobile. This will automatically install RomPatcher and Modo (this is optional, but you gotta Install them). After Installing it, Open '' RomPatcher'' you'll see Installserver_FP2 and Open4 all. Press Options and Select ''APPLY'' and choose ''PATCH'' (IE) Apply PATCH for both Installserver_FP2 and Open4 all. That's all. You can now Install any Unsigned Application without Certificate Problem. NOTE: whenever you Switch Off / your Phone goes OFF and you put it on, you'll have to Open RomPatcher and ''Apply Patch'' for both of them again. You do it anytime you Restart your PHONE.