Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys

The followings are shortcut keys and mouse shortcuts that can be used for Microsoft Word

Use at your own risk.

Mouse shortcuts

Shortcut                          Description
Double-click (on a word)    Select the word.
Single-click (anywhere in a sentence) + Holding CTRL    Select the entire sentence.
Triple-click (anywhere in a paragraph)    Select the entire paragraph.
Click, hold, drag, then release    Select text from the click position to release position.
Click first position, hold SHIFT key, then click 2nd position    Select text from the 1st position to the 2nd position.
Hold ALT key, then click and drag    Vertical select text.
Hold CTRL key, then scroll wheel    Zoom in/out.
Keyboard shortcuts
Shortcut    Description

Ctrl + A    Select all (including text, graphics).
Ctrl + B    Bold.
Ctrl + I    Italic.
Ctrl + U    Underline.
Ctrl + C    Copy.
Ctrl + V    Paste.
Ctrl + X    Cut.
Ctrl + F    Find.
Ctrl + Z    Undo.
Ctrl + Y    Redo.
Ctrl + P    Open the print dialog.
Ctrl + K    Insert link.
Ctrl + L    Left align.
Ctrl + E    Center align.
Ctrl + R    Right align.
Ctrl + M    Indent.
Ctrl + (left arrow)    Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl + (right arrow)    Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl + (up arrow)    Moves cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.
Ctrl + (down arrow)    Moves cursor to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + F    Change font.
Ctrl + Shift + *    View/hide non-printing characters.
Ctrl + Del    Deletes word to the right of cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace    Deletes word to the left of cursor.
Ctrl + End    Moves cursor to the end of document.
Ctrl + Home    Moves cursor to the beginning of document.
Ctrl + Spacebar    Reset highlighted text to the default font.
Ctrl + 1    Single-space.
Ctrl + 2    Double-space.
Ctrl + 5    1.5-line.
Ctrl + Alt + 1    Format text: heading 1.
Ctrl + Alt + 2    Format text: heading 2.
Ctrl + Alt + 3    Format text: heading 3.
F1    Help.
F4    Repeat the last action
F5    Go to .
F7    Spelling and grammar.
F12    Save as.
F8 then (left arrow)    Increase selection to the left by one character
F8 then (right arrow)    Increase selection to the right by one character
Ctrl + F1    Task Pane.
Ctrl + F2    Print preview.
Alt + Ctrl + F2    New document.
Shift + F3    Cycle between capitalized formats
Ctrl + Insert    Copy.
Shift + Insert    Paste.
Shift + End    Select from current position to the end of the line.
Shift + Home    Select from current position to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + Shift + (left arrow)    Select from current position to the beginning of the word.
Ctrl + Shift + (right arrow)    Select from current position to the end of the word.
Ctrl + Shift + (up arrow)    Select from current position to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + Shift + (down arrow)    Select from current position to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up    Select from current position to the beginning of the window.
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down    Select from current position to the end of the window.
Shift + Page Up    One screen page up.
Shift + Page Down    One screen page down.
Shift + F7    Thesaurus check selected text.
Shift + F12    Save.
Ctrl + Shift + F12    Print.
Alt + Shift + D    Insert the current date.
Alt + Shift + T    Insert the current time.

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