What is Li-Fi Technology ?

Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is a bidirectional, high speed and fully networked wireless communication technology similar to Wi-Fi. Coined by Prof. Harald Haas, Li-Fi is a subset of optical wireless communications (OWC) and can be a complement to RF communication (Wi-Fi or Cellular network), or a replacement in contexts of data broadcasting.

What is Li-Fi Technology

It is wireless and uses visible light communication or infra-red and near ultraviolet (instead of radio frequency waves) spectrum, part of optical wireless communications technology, which carries much more information, and has been proposed as a solution to the RF-bandwidth limitations. A complete solution includes an industry led standardization process.

Advantage of Li-Fi

After success of wireless data transmission technology Wi-Fi, scientists are coming with a new age technology ‪Li_Fi‬.

'Li_Fi' is a lot faster than what we are currently getting from Wi-Fi. In Lab conditions, researchers claimed to achieve the speeds of 224 gigabits per second by testing Li_Fi technology.
Researchers believe that Li_Fi is capable of sending data up to 1GB per second which is 100 times quicker than average Wi-Fi networks.

How Li-Fi Works ?

Example :

Amazing hmm isn't it ?

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