Embed RSS feeds from Reuters website into his HTML web pages.
A. While there are tons of scripts that convert RSS feeds into Javascript*, I recommend using Google Gadget Creator for adding feeds to web pages - it's easy as well as customizable.
*If you are looking for a non-Javascript solution, get one of theseFlash based RSS widgets from Yourminis or WidgetBox.
Step 2: Append the feed URL to this string-http://gmodules.com/ig/creator?url=
Confused ? Let me illustrate that with a quick example. Say the RSS feed address is http://feeds.labnol.org/labnol, then our string becomes:
Step 3: Open this new link in your web browser, adjust the dimensions of the gadget, change the border color and finally click "Get the Code" button.
<script src="http://gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://feeds.labnol.org/labnol&synd=open&w=320&h=200&title=&border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&output=js"></script>
Place this Javascript code anywhere in your web page where you want the RSS items to be displayed.
Your site visitors can now scan the Reuters news headlines without leaving your website.
There are at least two good services that are absolutely free and can get the job done in few clicks. Here they are:
Feed43 (pronounced as "Feed For Free") is one such free service that can help you monitor any site for new content right from the comfort of your newsreader.
FeedYes - another popular Website to RSS feed service that even lets you tag the feeds. You type in the site URL and immediately get the RSS feed. There are options to finetune the results.
And yes, there are some other good advantages of these services as well like you cantrack Google search results or comments on blogs that don't offer separate comment feeds.
Feed43 (pronounced as "Feed For Free") is one such free service that can help you monitor any site for new content right from the comfort of your newsreader.
FeedYes - another popular Website to RSS feed service that even lets you tag the feeds. You type in the site URL and immediately get the RSS feed. There are options to finetune the results.
And yes, there are some other good advantages of these services as well like you cantrack Google search results or comments on blogs that don't offer separate comment feeds.