Click on "Start," then "Computer," then right click on the USB flash drive and select "Properties" to see how much space you freed.
Another Ways :
You can do a lot of things with your PEN DRIVE or BULK USB DRIVES or FLASH USBDRIVES or whatever you've got there. You can make this little storage into CUSTOM PEN DRIVES by giving it a name, password etc. However, the main thing you want from it to STORE YOUR DATA, right? What happens if you've only 4 GB USB FLASH PEN DRIVES and a file you want to store here is 4.7 GB? Oops you can't put it in there, right? Well, say adios to this problem by following these tips.
Generally your Pen Drive is preformatted with FAT, FAT 32 File system, where there's no options to COMPRESS FILES to SAVE DISK SPACE. But if you FORMAT PEN DRIVEinto NTFS system, you can compress file. By following these steps you can you canINCREASE YOUR PEN DRIVE SPACE.
1. Click to Start Button & go to Run.
2. Write “cmd” in Run option & open Commend.
3. Write “convert X:/FS:NTFS” & press Enter. ( Here X means the Pen Drive’s Drive Name)
4. Then go to My Computer & Click the right button on Pen Drive & open Properties.
5. From here click the right mark on “Compress Drive to Save Disk Space” & press OK.
6. Now click OK on “Apply to Sub Folder and Files” option (If Come).
Now if you save any file or folder to your Pen Drive it didn’t get more Space.