How to make Radio Jammer

This Item is a Radio Jammer. It sends out EM waves of a certain frequency.

Before you enter:
This item is illegal in certain locations. It is only demonstrating how these items work and what only a few dollars at a electronic store can build.

This also Not a Cell phone jammer. Jamming a Cell phone is similar on its principle, but totally a different build, you need a range from 800MHz to 900MHz. You need an OP amp and a few other parts and formulas
Radio JammerF = 1/(4*R1*C)*(R2/R3)
R3/R2 (noticed it flipped) is the frequency range

850MHz = 1/(4*R1*C)*(1/50MHzS)

You must know the fact that they are illegal in certain areas and MUST NOT rant about it and say they are illegal.

Step 1Precaution

This Item May Be Illegal In You Area, Check It Out Before You Build.
I am not Liable for any offenses.

Why This Works:
The Radio Jammer sends out a EM wave at a frequency. The wave is then broadcast throughout an area. Radios will receive this wave (when tuned to that frequency) and It will block the other wave that is broadcast from a station.

So far in my building, I have only been able to block 1 station using one OSCILLATOR.

Have tried adding 1.5v onto a 9v battery. This unexplainably let me listen to another channel on the channel I was blocking.

Step 2What You Need

What You Need

  • C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Fisher\My Documents\My Pictures\Jammer\Jammer 002.jpg
  • C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Fisher\My Documents\My Pictures\Jammer\Jammer 007.jpg
  • C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Fisher\My Documents\My Pictures\Jammer\Jammer 004.jpg
  • C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Fisher\My Documents\My Pictures\Jammer\Jammer 005.jpg
What You Need:

An Oscillator , The heart of the Radio Jammer. The frequency you choose will be the frequency you jam. FM radio is in MegaHertz. Example, If you want to block 100.0, then use a 100Mh Oscillator. It may be a bit confusing. I have a 97.7 MHz that says 97M70000 and a 50 MHz that says 50.0000 MHz.

9 volt battery


An Antenna


An On/Off Switch

Circuit Board (Optional, but recommended)

Soldering (Used with the Circuit Board)

Step 3Assembling!

  • C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Fisher\My Documents\My Pictures\Jammer\Jammer 003.jpg
  • C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Fisher\My Documents\My Pictures\Jammer\Diagram.bmp
If the Writing is confusing, Look at the picture

First, get your Oscillator

On it you will see 4 leads

The locations of the leads in () will tell you the location looking at it RIGHT SIDE UP, meaning that the righting will be right-side up, and the lead with the black dot will be the bottom left , and the square corner instead of the rounded corner will also be bottom left .

1 lead (bottom left), the one with a black dot on it, and it also has a square edge instead of a rounded one is Only to hold it on the circuit board and does not need anything attached to it (It shouldn't be attached to anything anyways).

the lead diagonally across from it (Top Right) is to be connected to the antenna.

The two remaining leads are for the voltage source.
The Top Left lead is connected to the +ive end of the battery. The Bottom Right lead is connected to the -ive end of the battery.

Step 4Now That your Done!

Now That your Done!
  • C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Fisher\My Documents\My Pictures\Jammer\Jammer 001.jpg
Now that your done the wiring.
You can solider it to a circuit board (optional)

Turning On the jammer will send out an EM wave of X (X is the frequency of the Oscillator)

Tun on the oscillator and... Nothing
You have successfully jammed a radio signal!

Step 5Extra

This is my finished version
It looks really nice

Cutting the plastic was really hard and could have been done a lot easier and safer with A Laser Cutter :). I got a cut when I was carving out the hole for the on/off switch.
Also, cutting thick parts of out of the phone frame would have been a lot easier with A Laser Cutter .

I burnt myself with the soldering iron :( (unfortunately A Laser Cutter wouldn't have stopped it, but...

I also tried opening an Oscillator with some pliers but unfortunately, i broke everything inside and the metal was sharp, maybe I could have done it easier with A Laser Cutter .

Anyways, Thanks for reading my Instructable, and do not rant about how this is Illegal.
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