How to Earn by post on Forum

"Forums owners get posts, Forum posters Earn Cash" .I had written a post about Postloop on April 19th. After fully testing postloop I can give you the guarantee that it pays people for forum posting. They are emerging as one of the legit GPT sites and also the best way to give a superb boost to a newly launched or a dead forum

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I have earned some money just by spending 1 hour a day. The trick is to post in a forum that has more points and always remember to post quality posts. You will be rated by the forum owner out of 5. The more ratings you get the better points you get per post. The average is around 1.27 per post but mine is around 1.41. It keeps fluctuating as it depends on the ratings you get.You can easily earn $4 for just an hour.Isn't it good?  Forum addicts can earn more as they love spending time in forums. There is no limit, you can earn as much as you want. The key is to post more and more quality posts.I will display my earnings proof. 

Postloop Free Forum Posts

If you really want to utilize your free time to earn some quick bucks then go for it. It won't make you rich overnight but will surely get you some $$ . This was another legit site and i hope you all liked it.

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