How To Yahoo Messenger Works- Part-II

Yahoo Messenger Features

With Yahoo Messenger features, Yahoo gives you options beyond the basics of instant messaging. You can set Yahoo Messenger to alert you of incoming messages or e-mail. You can protect your privacy, personalize with IMVironments and avatars or add webcam features. Here's more about each of these features.
Alerts let you know when you receive an IM, when someone on your messenger list comes on or goes offline, when you receive e-mail, or when your calendar shows an upcoming event. To set an alert:

  • Go to the Messenger menu, select "Preferences," click "Alerts" and select "Enable Alert Sounds."
  • Pick when you want an alert, using the Event menu.
  • Choose the type of alert you want for each event. This can be a sound from the menu or one you add yourself.
  • Close the window to finish.
By using stealth settings and ignoring unwanted contacts, you can help ensure your privacy and security. Stealth settings allow you to appear offline to some contacts and online to others. To set this, start by right-clicking on the group name or contact. Select "Stealth Settings," and choose online, offline or permanently offline. Click "OK" to finish. You'll know you appear offline to a certain contact or group if their name is in italics in your messenger list.

You can block messages from a single contact or up to 100 by ignoring them. You'll always appear to be offline to them. First, though, you have to delete the contact from your messenger list. Here's how you can block, or ignore, someone.
  • Click on the Messenger menu, select "Preferences" and then "Ignore List." Choose "Ignore only the people below."
  • Click on "Add" and enter the Yahoo ID of the person you want to ignore.
  • To finish, click "Ignore" and "OK."
  • To later stop ignoring the person, enter the contact's ID and click "Remove."
Avatars, audibles and IMVironments (themed IM window backgrounds) let you make Yahoo Messenger your own. An avatar is a character that you can personalize by changing its physical appearance, clothes, accessories and backgrounds and then show as your personal icon on Yahoo Messenger.

Image courtesy of Yahoo
Yahoo Messenger extras like imvironments allow users to customize the appearance of their messenger screens.
To create and customize your avatar, go to To display the avatar in IMs and the messenger list, follow these steps:
Go to the Messenger menu, select "Preferences" and click on "Display Image." Click the Avatar box to show your avatar, and select "Enable display images everywhere" to see pictures and avatars from your contacts.
Audibles are talking animated characters you can send in an IM to comment or make a joke. Click the lips icon below the conversation window to access the audibles. Click the Send button above the one you want to send. Click "More Audibles" to see them all.
An IMVironment (IMV) is a themed conversation window that you select. You and your contacts can see your IMV every time you IM. Your messages print over IMVs like Fishtank, which is animated with swimming fish. The Doodle IMV lets you and your contact draw in color on the same canvas, while other IMVs let you play interactive games together.
Webcam capabilities let you view a contact's webcam video or send your own. Viewing someone else's webcam is easy. Just click "Contact" in the IM window and select "Contact Options" and "View Webcam." Sending your own is more complicated. For specific requirements, see Yahoo Messenger's Webcam Help
Yahoo Messenger also offers tools to simplify instant messaging -- and make it more fun. Go to the next page to learn more.

Convenient Tools for Yahoo Messenger

Convenient tools for Yahoo Messenger make instant messenging even faster and easier. Yahoo Messenger offers keyboard shortcuts, voice chat, parental controls and more. Keep reading to learn about each of these.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Typing key commands can make Yahoo Messenger faster to use. You can, for example, type "Control + F" to find contacts in the messenger list. The drop-down menus show keyboard shortcuts for commands.

Flickr for Photos
Available in Yahoo Messenger 9.0, Flickr lets you share photos in a side panel during IM. All of the images are shown in a thumbnail strip below the photo being displayed. A slider lets you change from one displayed image to another. Click the arrow left of the slider, and you can turn the photos into a slide show to view with your contact.

video chat
Image courtesy of Yahoo
Yahoo Messenger users can chat with video capabilities.
Video and Map Preview
If you have the Web address of a video or map, you can watch it with a friend in the conversation window of Yahoo Messenger 9.0. Copy the URL of the video or map into the window where you type messages, and it will open in the conversation window. To watch a video with your friend, click "Watch with Me."

Yahoo Chat and Voice Chat
You can type or talk with voice chat in Yahoo Messenger chat rooms. To join a chat room, click on "Messenger," "Yahoo Chat" and "Join a Room." Select an alias to use for the chat, check out the rooms available and double-click on one you want to enter. Chat room visitors must be at least 18 years old.

For voice chat, you'll need a Windows operating system with Internet Explorer, plus a microphone, sound card and speakers. To use voice chat, click the voice icon after you enter a chat room. Hold down the green "Talk" button to start talking. When you're done talking, release the button.
Plug-ins are mini-programs that plug into Yahoo Messenger. Conversation plug-ins let you share activities -- like shopping, playing games or checking a flight schedule -- during IM conversations. Tab plug-ins give instant information, for example about important activities on your calendar or the status of an online auction bid.

You'll find tab plug-ins below the messenger list and can click "Add Plug-ins" for a list. Conversation plug-ins are above the conversation window. Click the Plug-ins button to see the list. To find more plug-ins to add, visit Yahoo Gallery.
Parental Controls
Yahoo parental controls let you restrict the places your children go online and the people with whom they communicate. You also can receive weekly report cards showing Web sites visited, e-mails sent and received, and IMs completed with Yahoo Messenger.

The Web filter can block types of Web sites or specific sites. You can limit e-mail pals to those you approve, and you can limit when and how long your child stays online. You also can access your child's account to view and change inaccurate personal information.
To activate parental controls, you have to set up a Yahoo family account with sub accounts for all family members. You'll also need to install a program on every computer your family uses. Once you have a Yahoo account for yourself, go to the Member Center and look for information under "Sub Accounts."
Yahoo recommends that youths represent themselves with an avatar rather than a photo, use an alias, set their online status as invisible and archive all IM conversations. For parenting guides, Internet safety suggestions and a parent forum, visit Yahoo Messenger Safety Guide.
Next, let's look at how you can use Yahoo Messenger anywhere, including from smartphones or PDAs.

New Innovations for Yahoo Messenger

Innovations for Yahoo Messenger reach beyond your own computer to allow you access to IM services wherever you are. For example, Yahoo Messenger for the Web provides instant messaging from any browser when you're away from home. Yahoo Messenger also provides free PC to PC phone service and IM services for your mobile device.
Yahoo Messenger for the Web
Log into Yahoo Messenger for the Web to IM from any browser -- with access to your contacts and message archives. You can add contacts, change your online status and save and search messages. You also can show your avatar and use your block list and stealth settings. But you won't be able to change any of these until you're home. And you won't be able to transfer files or use features like chat, voice, IMvironments, plug-ins or audibles.

To use Yahoo Messenger for the Web, go to Yahoo Messenger for the Web and sign in with your Yahoo ID and password. Once you're signed in, you'll see the usual screen display with your message list at the left. You can send and receive messages as you would at home.
PC to PC Phone Calls
Using your computer to call someone else on theirs is simple, easy -- and free. Yahoo Messenger's call feature uses voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) technology for worldwide computer-to-computer calling. You and the person you're calling will need Yahoo Messenger with Voice, a Windows operating system and sound card, a microphone and speakers or a headset.

Before you make a call, you can make sure your microphone and speakers are set up right by clicking on "Actions" and then "Call Setup." To call someone on your messenger list with a phone number listed, click first on that person's name, then the phone icon and finally "Call (Person's) computer." You'll hear a ring, they'll answer and the call starts. When you're done, click "End Call."
To call someone while the two of you are IMing, just click the phone icon above the conversation window. To call someone who's not on your messenger list, type the computer phone number in the "Type a Yahoo ID" bar above the messenger list.
Yahoo Mobile Messenger
You can sign into Yahoo Messenger from your mobile device when you're away from your computer and receive your IMs as text messages. You also can access your messenger list and change your online status from your cell phone, smartphone or PDA.

mobile devices
© Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Yahoo Messenger users can even chat using their mobile devices.
Start by registering your mobile phone number. Click "Forward" above your messenger window. Then click "Add a phone number" next to "Forward offline IMs to" and register your number. After that, IMs will automatically be forwarded to your mobile device when you sign out of Yahoo Messenger on your computer. A phone icon in front of your name on your contacts' messenger lists will show you're mobile.
To send a text message from your mobile phone with Yahoo Messenger, click the Actions menu and then "Send an SMS Message." Enter your contact's mobile phone number, type your message and click "Send." You also can start by clicking the text message icon in the address book, or clicking on the contact name in the messenger list and then selecting "Send an SMS Message."
While we've tried to give an overview here of Yahoo Messenger, there's plenty more. For lots more information about Yahoo Messenger and instant messaging, go to the links on the next page.

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