All email communications on the internet are possible by two protocols:
1) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP port-25)
2) Post Office Protocol (POP port-110)
E-Mail hacking consists of various techniques as discussed below.
1) EMail Tracing :- Generally, the path taken by an email while travelling from sender to receiver can be explained by following diagram.
The most effective and easiest way to trace an email is to analyze it's email headers. This can be done by just viewing the full header of received email. A typical email header looks something like this:
The above email header gives us the following information about it's origin and path:
a) Sender's email address :-
b) Source IP address :-
c) Source mail server :-
d) Email client :- Thunderbird
There are lots of ready-made tools available on the internet which performs email tracing very effectively and shows exact geographical location for email sender on the world map.
Disclaimer: I don’t take Responsibility for what you do with this script, served for Educational purpose only. …
1) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP port-25)
2) Post Office Protocol (POP port-110)
E-Mail hacking consists of various techniques as discussed below.
1) EMail Tracing :- Generally, the path taken by an email while travelling from sender to receiver can be explained by following diagram.
The most effective and easiest way to trace an email is to analyze it's email headers. This can be done by just viewing the full header of received email. A typical email header looks something like this:
The above email header gives us the following information about it's origin and path:
a) Sender's email address :-
b) Source IP address :-
c) Source mail server :-
d) Email client :- Thunderbird
Disclaimer: I don’t take Responsibility for what you do with this script, served for Educational purpose only. …