Tips for securely use the Facebook login page

Facebook login phishing problems have been there since long time, & hackers have always found it easy to fool people around facebook login page, and once the user enters the login details,after that your account hacked.
hackers provide the wrong address of facebook login through any web addresses or emails that they own, and also use some of SEO techniques to bring their web pages on the top in search engines, and when something related to facebook is searched, the user un luckily lands to the phishing facebook login page and risks her/his account. Please checkout our post on how phishing attack can be used to hack facebook accounts .

Here 6 Tips for securely use the Facebook login page
important tips for facebook login page
•    It would be better if you keep all the links of other social networks and facebook other social networks bookmarked, rather than going and searching or clicking on pics in mails etc.
•    Links in emails are usually suspicious. Emails would be sent from addresses like etc. which actually are nowhere related to the original facebook website. So better check if the mail is legitimate or not, before clicking on any link.
•    First make sure that the page is secured, only then you have to share your login information.
•    Keep your PC gateway safe by installing the antimalware and antispyware security softwares.
•    Keep a track of your credit card and bank account details, if at all you have shared that information to go with facebook advertising.
•    Back up your data frequently, as although you might take all the precautions, still might risk the account anytime.
These above tips would keep you well safe, but nothing is guaranteed. So keep changing your password, and also be alert. Follow these facebook login tips.

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