How to make Ultra Sonic Radar

This is a ultrasonic radar project with many practical applications in security and alarm systems for homes, shops and cars. It consists of a set of ultrasonic receiver and transmitter which operate at the same frequency. When something moves in the area covered by the circuit the circuit’s fine balance is disturbed and the alarm is triggered. The circuit is very sensitive and can be adjusted to reset itself automatically or to stay triggered till it is reset manually after an alarm.




This kit does not need any adjustments, if you follow the building instructions.

Warning: If they are used as part of a larger assembly and any damage is caused, our company bears no responsibility.

While using electrical parts, handle power supply and equipment with great care, following safety standards as described by international specs and regulations.

If it does not work
Check your work for possible dry joints, bridges across adjacent tracks or soldering flux residues that usually cause problems. Check again all the external connections to and from the circuit to see if there is a mistake there.

See that there are no components missing or inserted in the wrong places.
Make sure that all the polarised components have been soldered the right way round. Make sure that the supply has the correct voltage and is connected the right way round to your circuit. Check your project for faulty or damaged components.

If everything checks and your project still fails to work, please contact your retailer and the Smart Kit Service will repair it for you.

Parts List
R1 = 180 KOhm C1, 6 = 10uF/16V TR1, 2, 3 = BC547 , BC548
R2 = 12 KOhm C2 = 47uF/16V P1 = 10 KOhm trimmer
R3, 8 = 47 KOhm C3 = 4,7 pF P2 = 47 KOhm trimmer
R4 = 3,9 KOhm C4, 7 = 1 nF IC1, 2 = 741 OP-AMP
R5, 6, 16 = 10 KOhm C5 = 10nF IC3 = 4093 C-MOS
R7, 10, 12, 14, 17 = 100 KΩ C8, 11 = 4,7 uF/16V R = TRANSDUCER 40KHz
R9, 11 = 1 MOhm C9 = 22uF/16V T = TRANSDUCER 40KHz
R13, 15 = 3,3 KOhm C10 = 100 nF D1, 2, 3, 4 = 1N4148
C12 = 2,2 uF/16V
C13 = 3,3nF
C14 = 47nF

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