Thumbs up and Thumbs Down is a process to elaborate the visitors view on your post and it give an new look to your website.
Very interesting widget for your blogger which give you a professional look.
If your visitors feel good your article they will thumb up your post or if they do not get impressed , they simply thumb down.
You need to follow some step to add Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down Widget.
Step 1: First of all go to Blogger > Design > Edit HTML.
Step 2: Click the box "Expand Widget Templates" and Search
You feel this post is helpful for you then give your precious time for comment and feel free to give suggestion if any.
Very interesting widget for your blogger which give you a professional look.
If your visitors feel good your article they will thumb up your post or if they do not get impressed , they simply thumb down.
Step 1: First of all go to Blogger > Design > Edit HTML.
Step 2: Click the box "Expand Widget Templates" and Search
<data:post.body/>Step 3: Paste the below code just after above code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class='js-kit-rating' expr:path='data:post.url' expr:permalink='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title' view='score'> </div> </b:if>
Note:Step 4: Now search for <body> Just above it paste the following code:
If you paste the code before <data:post.body/> your thumb up and thumb down widget can be showed just after the post title if you paste the code just after <data:post.body/> The widget can be displayed at the last of the entire post only at post pages and not on homepage.
<script src=""></script>Step 5: Now save the template and view your blog.
You feel this post is helpful for you then give your precious time for comment and feel free to give suggestion if any.