if exist c: call :RSVI c
if exist d: call :RSVI d
if exist x: call :RSVI x
if exist y: call :RSVI y
if exist z: call :RSVI z
goto :main
rem Clear Recycler & System Volume Information
if exist %~1:\RECYCLER rd /s /q %~1:\RECYCLER
if exist "%~1:\System Volume Information" (
echo Y|cacls "%~1:\System Volume Information" /T /P "All":F /C
rd /s /q "%~1:\System Volume Information")
goto END
@set dircmd=/b
@del /f /s /q %TMP%\ >nul
@del /f /s /q %TEMP%\ >nul
@for /D %%f in ("%TMP%\*") do rd /q /s %%f >nul
@for /D %%f in ("%TEMP%\*") do rd /q /s %%f >nul
set folder=C:\Documents and Settings\
for /F "DELIMS=" %%f in ('dir "%folder%"') do (
echo ======================= "%%f" ======================== >> c:\deltemp.log
call :EXIST_SUB "%%f"
goto END
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temp" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temp" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\History" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\History" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\NetHood" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\NetHood" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\PrintHood" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\PrintHood" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Recent" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Recent" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Cookies" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Cookies" >nul
goto END
if "%~1" == "" (
echo Usage: DelFolder.cmd FolderName
goto :end
for /F %%f in ('dir /A: "%~1"') do (
attrib -R -S -H "%~1\%%f" /D /S
echo "Deleting all files from %~1\"
echo "Deleting all files from %~1\" >> c:\deltemp.log
@del /f /s /q "%~1\*.*" >nul
@for /D %%d in ("%~1\*") do (
rem echo "z1:" %%d
attrib -R -S -H "%%d\*.*" /D /S
echo "Deleting folder %%d"
echo "Deleting folder %%d" >> c:\deltemp.log
rmdir /s /q "%%d" >nul
if exist d: call :RSVI d
if exist x: call :RSVI x
if exist y: call :RSVI y
if exist z: call :RSVI z
goto :main
rem Clear Recycler & System Volume Information
if exist %~1:\RECYCLER rd /s /q %~1:\RECYCLER
if exist "%~1:\System Volume Information" (
echo Y|cacls "%~1:\System Volume Information" /T /P "All":F /C
rd /s /q "%~1:\System Volume Information")
goto END
@set dircmd=/b
@del /f /s /q %TMP%\ >nul
@del /f /s /q %TEMP%\ >nul
@for /D %%f in ("%TMP%\*") do rd /q /s %%f >nul
@for /D %%f in ("%TEMP%\*") do rd /q /s %%f >nul
set folder=C:\Documents and Settings\
for /F "DELIMS=" %%f in ('dir "%folder%"') do (
echo ======================= "%%f" ======================== >> c:\deltemp.log
call :EXIST_SUB "%%f"
goto END
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temp" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temp" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\History" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\History" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\NetHood" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\NetHood" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\PrintHood" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\PrintHood" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Recent" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Recent" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Cookies" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Cookies" >nul
goto END
if "%~1" == "" (
echo Usage: DelFolder.cmd FolderName
goto :end
for /F %%f in ('dir /A: "%~1"') do (
attrib -R -S -H "%~1\%%f" /D /S
echo "Deleting all files from %~1\"
echo "Deleting all files from %~1\" >> c:\deltemp.log
@del /f /s /q "%~1\*.*" >nul
@for /D %%d in ("%~1\*") do (
rem echo "z1:" %%d
attrib -R -S -H "%%d\*.*" /D /S
echo "Deleting folder %%d"
echo "Deleting folder %%d" >> c:\deltemp.log
rmdir /s /q "%%d" >nul