How to Convert a Blog into eBook to Read Offline

The term “Blog” came from “Web Log”. Possibly, every internet enthusiasts have their favorite blogs that they read daily. Using the internet, you can read your favorite blogs anytime. But if you want to read them offline, the best way is converting the blog into eBook.

The eBook version of a blog can be handy when you do not have much time to access the internet. Also by converting the pages of your blog into eBook, you can read them from your laptop or smartphone on the go.
Again suppose, you learned some important stuffs from the blog and you want to keep a paper version of the whole method so that you can follow the step-by-step guides anytime at your work place. The situation suggests to convert the important blog pages into eBook.
Book Smith is an online tool that converts blog  into eBook which is PDF file format. This is simple and free application that lets you to convert a whole blog into a eBook through some easy steps. There is no hassle o registering to use this service. Just go for the site Book Smith and start creating your eBook by following the steps below.
Step #1. Click on the Start Now button to initiate the process.
Step #2. Put the blog URL of which you want to make the PDF version. Also choose the number or the date range of posts that you want to include. Then fill up the Captcha code to prove that you are human. Click on “Get the Posts”.
Step #3. It will start fetching the posts from the blog. Once it is done, you can manually chose any post to exclude from the eBook by selecting the check boxes.
Step #4: The next step is the customization part and you can decide whether to include the blog post images and the publishing date into the ebook. Additionally, you can add the title, subtitle, authors name and more. Book Smith lets you to choose a cover page for your eBook also.
Step #5: After making everythink perfect for you, click on “Create my book”. This will take some time depending on the volume of the blog pages to be converted.
Once done, you can download the eBook to your computer or save it for future download. But the later one requires you to either log-in with your Facebook account or register for the service in their site.
Note: This service fetches the post from the blog using the RSS feed. So if the blog serves the full content with their RSS feed, it will naturally create the eBook by following the above steps. But if the RSS feed contains partial contents, the eBook will be created with partial contents.
If you are the owner of that blog, you can still convert your full blog content into a eBook by providing your blog username and password.
If you are a blogger, you can provide an eBook with your best articles for your readers.
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