5 Expert SEO Tips for 2012

Seo tips
In 2011, there were major changes made to Google’s algorithm that has paved the way for a new emphasis on ‘original’ content. Regardless of the year, content will always reign as king in the SEO world. If you’re wondering about SEO tips for 2012, you’re not alone. There are many entrepreneurs and business owners who are curious about the latest SEO trends. The following are a few tips to help you achieve good results for the upcoming New Year.

1. Content Will Still Reign as King in 2012

Seo tips

In 2011, there were major changes made to Google’s algorithm that has paved the way for a new emphasis on ‘original’ content.  Regardless of the year, content will always reign as king in the SEO world.
In 2012, you should have a balance of human friendly content and search engine friendly content.  After all, your potential customers (or contacts) will be the one’s purchasing your products or services.
Gone are the days when website owners used to squeak by with poorly written content from basement content writers.  If you want to get noticed in the search engines, having quality content will be the key to your online success in 2012.
2. Web Content Should be Scannable for Mobile Users
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Remember, a percentage of your web users will be searching the Web from their iPad and mobile device. If you post content that takes too long to get to the point, people will get bored and move on to your competitor’s website.
Make sure you include a clear Call to Action on each page of your website. Consider hiring a good SEO copywriter to create fresh content for your website, blog and social media sites.  You’ll be one step ahead of the game with a professional SEO copywriter.  SEO copywriters are specialists who are trained to write marketable content that helps in converting readers into paying customers.
3. Is your SEO Consultant Wasting your Time and Money?
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If the answer is ‘yes’ or ‘not sure’, that’s a sign it may be the perfect time to ditch your SEO consultant.  In 2012, savvy entrepreneurs and business owners are nickel and diming every aspect of their business.  People are investing their money more wisely than ever before. They are less likely to choose an SEO consultant based on price and they are focusing on SEO experts that have proven track records.
If you’re in the market for a new SEO consultant, make sure you ask him or her to provide you with proof.  In other words, ask to see proven results from ‘current’ customers that they have been with for more than just a couple of months. Internet marketing experts suggest that people choose SEO consultants that have a solid client base of at least 1-2 years (or more) old.
4. Add Original Photos & Videos
If you want to make your website more interactive, consider adding original photos and interesting videos to your website.  When Google crawls web pages, they look for content that’s diverse.  Don’t forget to optimize your videos and photos for SEO purposes. Check out our previous article: Using Google Image Search as Fuel for SEO
5. Share Web Content via Facebook, Twitter & Google+
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If you want to generate more traffic in 2012, share your content with your social media networks.  Make sure you optimize your web pages for social sharing to help attract more traffic. For example, Facebook allows you to make your pages more social media friendly by optimizing your titles and Meta tags by using Facebook Open Graph. When one of your friends shares one of your web pages, this automatically improves the conversion rate of your website.
Lastly, when sharing content through social media, don’t forget to include a back link to your website. Social media provides an excellent opportunity to engage with people who ‘like’ or ‘follow’ you online. Although SEO rules are constantly evolving, the tips above will give you a good head start on the race to online success in 2012.

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1 comment:

  1. All Very Great points. Content, Originality, utilize more social sites all are these very important steps of seo, you have did good job here.
