Simple Water Level Indicator

This is a circuit diagram of a simple series of water level indicator for the home and in fact industries. At any level of non-conductive and corrosive liquids can be measured using this circuit. Circuit diagram is based on transistor transistor switches 5. Each activated the corresponding LED driving, when the base is supplied with current through the water through the electrode probe. One electrode probe (F) with AC 6V placed at the bottom of the tank probe is placed. Next step by step on the basis of the investigation. As the water rose at the base of each transistor to get a connection to 6V AC electricity through water and related probes. Which in turn makes the transistor and LED light to indicate water level probe tip. The connect to the appropriate point in the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. The following is a schematic drawing:



Aluminum Insulated cable ends with the insulation removed will do for probes. Arrange on the probe so that the PVC pipe in accordance with the depth and immersed in the tank voltage. AC use to prevent electrolysis at the setup will probes. Use a 6V transformer with an output of 500 mA supply. Do not use the power rectifier! we need pure AC. Use a good quality insulated probes. If Aluminum wire Aluminum wire is not available try Steel or Tin. Copper was the worst series. Try first on the bread board and if it is not working properly, make adjustments to the values of resistance.

Components :

T1 – T5 BC 548 or 2N2222 Transistor

R1-R5 2.2k 1 / 4 W Resistor

R6-R10 22K 1 / 4 W Resistor

D1 – D5 LED‘s (the color of your choice)
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