It is the time of android world and we (developer ) curious to make an android apps but due to lack knowledge of native idea. So we want an alternative ways by which we can easily make an android apk. Here i’m telling you how to extract android apk apps.
And we use PHP for extract android apk which made any PHP or Android developer such a curious.

This package can extract application package files in APK format used by devices running on Android OS.
It can open an APK file and extract the contained manifest file to parse it and retrieve the meta-information it contains like the application name, description, device feature access permission it requires, etc..
include '../ApkParser.php';
$apk = new ApkParser('EBHS.apk');
$extractFolder = 'TechDilute';
if(is_dir($extractFolder) || mkdir($extractFolder))
include '../ApkParser.php';
$apk = new ApkParser('EBHS.apk');
$manifest = $apk->getManifest();
$permissions = $manifest->getPermissions();
echo '<pre>';
echo "Package Name : " . $manifest->getPackageName() . "\r\n";
echo "Vesrion : " . $manifest->getVersionName() . " (" . $manifest->getVersionCode() . ")\r\n";
echo "Min Sdk Level : " . $manifest->getMinSdkLevel() . "\r\n";
echo "Min Sdk Platfrom : " . $manifest->getMinSdk()->platform['name'] ."\r\n";
echo "------------- Permssions List -------------\r\n";
foreach($permissions as $perm => $description)
echo $perm . "\t=> " . $description ." \r\n";
<?phpFirst of all go download the package and go to example folder and change the EBHS.apk to your apps which you want to extract android apk and open above these three php file and replace apk name with your apps name.
include '../ApkParser.php';
$apk = new ApkParser('EBHS.apk');
echo $apk->getManifest()->getXmlString();
Thats all.
Happy coding and have any queries please comment me .