During the 2006 Maker Fair the Graffiti Research Lab was demoing their LED Throwies and Pat & Ward Cunningham were demonstrating Cybords . While talking someone made a comment about wanting to give the Throwies a voice. Ward & Pat took a simple ATtiny45 chip and added it to the mix to give the LED a voice. Computerized Throwie Demo
Step 1Get the Supplies
You will need:
<ul><li>10mm Diffused LED
<li>Programed ATtiny45 Computer
<li>CR2032 3V Lithium Battery
<li>1/2" Dia x 1/8" Thick NdFeB Disc Magnet, Ni-Cu-Ni plated
<li>1-inch wide Strapping Tape
For a more complete parts list see: LED Throwies instructables page
<ul><li>10mm Diffused LED
<li>Programed ATtiny45 Computer
<li>CR2032 3V Lithium Battery
<li>1/2" Dia x 1/8" Thick NdFeB Disc Magnet, Ni-Cu-Ni plated
<li>1-inch wide Strapping Tape
For a more complete parts list see: LED Throwies instructables page
Step 2How we program the chip
We program the ATtiny45 chip using this and Atmel Avr Tools .
morse.asm.txt2 KB
Step 3Bend the leads
Bend the chip and LED leads to match.
We bent off the middle leads so that they wouldent get in the way.
We bent off the middle leads so that they wouldent get in the way.
Step 4Solder the leads
The chip is programed in a way that we can solder the LED leads right across the chip. The best way to solder them together is to hold one side with nedle nosed plyers and tap the other side with some solder.
The longer LED lead should be soldered to the 'vcc' (power) and 'rst' pins of the chip. This shorts the chip reset and gives it a more secure conection. Make sure to reference the wiring diagram in this step to get the pins correct.
The longer LED lead should be soldered to the 'vcc' (power) and 'rst' pins of the chip. This shorts the chip reset and gives it a more secure conection. Make sure to reference the wiring diagram in this step to get the pins correct.
Step 5Snip the Ground
Next you have to snip the LED lead betwen the ground and control pin so the chip can compleet the conection and make a message.
Step 7Stick it!
This is the easiest and most fun.