How Do I Remove Fake Windows Security Center ?
How to remove Fake Windows Security Center : There are two methods. The manual way and the automatic way. First – if you want to try and remove it manually (and I only recommend this to IT Professionals!) you must disable all related system processes, adjust all related system DLL files and registry files in the LOCAL_HKEY_USER folder, block all related websites, and delete all program files with the Fake Windows Security Center name. Below are the Fake Windows Security Center Removal Instructions.
Fake Windows Security Center Manual Removal Instructions:
Stop Fake Windows Security Center Processes:
Remove Fake Windows Security Center Registry Keys:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClasses.exeDefaultIcon “(Default)” = ‘%1′ = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data[random 3 letters].exe” /START “%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClasses.exeshellopencommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClasses.exeshellrunascommand “(Default)” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClasses.exeshellrunascommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefile “(Default)” = ‘Application’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefile “Content Type” = ‘application/x-msdownload’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileDefaultIcon “(Default)” = ‘%1′
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileshellopencommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileshellrunascommand “(Default)” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileshellrunascommand “IsolatedCommand” – ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeDefaultIcon “(Default)” = ‘%1′
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeshellopencommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeshellrunascommand “(Default)” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeshellrunascommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefile “Content Type” = ‘application/x-msdownload’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopencommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellrunascommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “%1″ %*’
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClientsStartMenuInternetFIREFOX.EXEshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe”‘
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClientsStartMenuInternetFIREFOX.EXEshellsafemodecommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe” -safe-mode’
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClientsStartMenuInternetIEXPLORE.EXEshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe”‘
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClasses.exeshellopencommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClasses.exeshellrunascommand “(Default)” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClasses.exeshellrunascommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefile “(Default)” = ‘Application’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefile “Content Type” = ‘application/x-msdownload’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileDefaultIcon “(Default)” = ‘%1′
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileshellopencommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileshellrunascommand “(Default)” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesexefileshellrunascommand “IsolatedCommand” – ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeDefaultIcon “(Default)” = ‘%1′
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeshellopencommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeshellrunascommand “(Default)” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exeshellrunascommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefile “Content Type” = ‘application/x-msdownload’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopencommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellrunascommand “IsolatedCommand” = ‘”%1″ %*’
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “%1″ %*’
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClientsStartMenuInternetFIREFOX.EXEshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe”‘
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClientsStartMenuInternetFIREFOX.EXEshellsafemodecommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe” -safe-mode’
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClientsStartMenuInternetIEXPLORE.EXEshellopencommand “(Default)” = ‘”%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication Data.exe” /START “C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe”‘
Remove Fake Windows Security Center Files and Folders:
Note: In any Fake Windows Security Center files I mention above, “%UserProfile%” is a variable referring to your current user’s profile folder. If you’re using Windows NT/2000/XP, by default this is “C:\Documents and Settings\[CURRENT USER]” (e.g., “C:\Documents and Settings\JoeSmith”). If you have any questions about manual Fake Windows Security Center removal, go ahead and leave a comment.
How to delete Fake Windows Security Center files in Windows XP and Vista:
- Click your Windows Start menu, and then click “Search.”
- A speech bubble will pop up asking you, “What do you want to search for?” Click “All files and folders.”
- Type a Fake Windows Security Center file in the search box, and select “Local Hard Drives.”
- Click “Search.” Once the file is found, delete it.
How to stop Fake Windows Security Center processes:
- Click the Start menu, select Run.
- Type taskmgr.exe into the the Run command box, and click “OK.” You can also launch the Task Manager by pressing keys CTRL + Shift + ESC.
- Click Processes tab, and find Fake Windows Security Center processes.
- Once you’ve found the Fake Windows Security Center processes, right-click them and select “End Process” to kill Fake Windows Security Center .
How to remove Fake Windows Security Center registry keys:
Warning! Your registry is a vital key to your Windows system. If you plan on making any edits to your registry, you absolutely must backup your registry first in case anything goes wrong. Be forewarnd that a mistake when editing your registry can result in a computer that no longer boots up. These instructions are designed for IT Professionals and PC Experts.
- Select your Windows menu “Start,” and click “Run.” An “Open” field will appear. Type “regedit” and click “OK” to open up your Registry Editor.
- Registry Editor will open as a window with two panes. The left side Registry Editor’s window lets you select various registry keys, and the right side displays the registry values of the registry key you select.
- To find a registry key, such as any Fake Windows Security Center registry keys, select “Edit,” then select “Find,” and in the search bar type any of Fake Windows Security Center ’s registry keys.
- As soon as Fake Windows Security Center registry key appears, you can delete the Fake Windows Security Center registry key by right-clicking it and selecting “Modify,” then clicking “Delete.”
How to delete Fake Windows Security Center DLL files:
- First locate Fake Windows Security Center DLL files you want to delete. Open your WindowsStart menu, then click “Run.” Type “cmd” in Run, and click “OK.”
- To change your current directory, type “cd” in the command box, press your “Space” key, and enter the full directory where the Fake Windows Security Center DLL file is located. If you’re not sure if the Fake Windows Security Center DLL file is located in a particular directory, enter “dir” in the command box to display a directory’s contents. To go one directory back, enter “cd ..” in the command box and press “Enter.”
- When you’ve located the Fake Windows Security Center DLL file you want to remove, type “regsvr32 /u SampleDLLName.dll” (e.g., “regsvr32 /u jl27script.dll”) and press your “Enter” key.
If you wish to restore any Fake Windows Security Center DLL file you deleted, type “regsvr32 DLLJustDeleted.dll” (e.g., “regsvr32 jl27script.dll”) into your command box, and hit the “Enter” key.
Did Fake Windows Security Center change your homepage?
- Click Windows Start menu > Control Panel > Internet Options.
- Under Home Page, select the General > Use Default.
- Type in the URL you want as your home page (e.g., “”).
- Select Apply > OK.