How To Replace Non-Standard Resources

A custom resource is used to store most any type of binary data within a resource file. Common data types that might be stored as custom resources are sound (.wav) and video (.avi) files.

Resource Tuner allows you to extend your editing capabilities by replacing non-standard resources in a file: TypeLibCABMIDI, and more.
It is important to note that editing some types of binary resources can introduce additional bytes into the resource. Such changes may cause the file to fault during execution. Unfortunately this is one of the inherent risks that comes with modifying executable files.

Replace Custom Resource

1. Select the custom resource item to be replaced in the Resource Tree.
2. Export it to disk using the "Save Resource As" button or the popup menu displayed by right-clicking the Resource Tree.
Export to disk
3. Edit the file externally using third party editing software (e.g. WinZip for CAB files, or a wave file or binary editor for other custom resources).
4. Back inside Resorce Tuner, highlight the resource item to be replaced:
Highlight the resource item to be replaced
5. Press the Resource Editor button to bring up the "Replace A Resource" dialog:
Replace A Resource dialog
6. Press the Folder icon to open and import the edited file from step 3 or use the [Ctrl+O] key combination.
Warning! Resource Tuner cannot validate the content of the data you are loading from disk. Carelessly swapping out this data may render the modified executable inoperable.
7. Press OK to close the Resource Editor and select 'File' -> 'Save File As ...' to save the changes you've just made to the target file. If warned that the image size has changed, click "Yes" to update the file size.

 If you need to to create a repeatable process for updating and customizing resources during the final stage of the build process.
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