Let us come to the interfacing side of LCD. Let us see the 8bit mode interfacing of the LCD display with an AVR micro controller first. I have added two circuits in this post 1) Interfacing LCD with Avr Atmega8 and 2) Interfacing with Atmega32.
Here to interface LCD with Avr, an 8 bit data bus is required. In addition we need 2bit control bus for write only mode Or 3 bit control bus for Read plus write mode. Connect pin 1 of the LCD module to ground, pin 2 to +ve supply. Connect a Pot (2 to 5 K Ohm) across the supply and ground. Connect the middle pin of the pot to pin3 of LCD module. If you want to light up the back light, connect the –LED pin to ground. Connect the +LED pin of the LCD to the +ve supply using a resistor. Figure below is the two circuit diagrams!
Interfacing LCD with Atmega Series Circuit Diagram