Cool funny computer pranks and tricks and stupidities

Hi All, In this article I will let you know about some awesome computer tips and tricks. If you want to learn something new and exciting then please keep reading :)
1) Use Monoface to make funny faces and have fun. Go to Monoface and create faces by just clicking on it . Don't blame me if you freak out of yourself at the 1st time

2) Multiple user login in yahoo Massager without any software or patch: You can login to to yahoo messenger with multiple user ID without any software or patch. You just have to do a simple Task. First click Start menu and then click run, then type regedit and then press enter. A box will appear now from the box navigate HKEY_CURRENT_USER , then from the list select SOFTWARE , then from the software select YAHOO , then from Yahoo select PAGER , then from Pager select TEST. Now right click on the TEST and then click Dword value. In the right side you will notice a new folder appears, Rename it as Plural. Then double click it then select decimal and give the value 1 in the value box and click OK. That's it now try to login in yahoo messenger with multiple ID. (you will find this tricks as the most useful trick )

3) Watch Star wars Movie in your PC : Do you know you can watch Star wars Text movie from your computer. To watch it click the start button then click Run . Type telnet in run. You will find DOS black screen. in the black screen of Dos , type o and click enter and again and click enter . That's it, the text movie will begin, wait for few seconds and enjoy it . :)

4) Watch Videos on megavideo without any time limit: We often get annoyed when we watch an online movie in Megavideo and suddenly after 72 minutes it interrupts. To avoid this problem first copy the video link of megavideo and then Click here . Then past the link to this website and enjoy the movie without any interruption.

5.Make an invisible Folder: In my previous Hubs i have told you how to make a folder without any names. Now i am going to show you how to make a complete invisible folder to your desktop. You can surprise people by doing this trick. At first you have to make the folder without any name. So first the folder then right click and click rename , remove the name (by backspace or delete button) , hold in that position. Be sure your numlock is on, if not then make it on. Now press and hold ALT button and type 0160 (remember you must have to hold ALT button and typw the code from the num pad must, it won't appear in the screen) . When you complete typing the code, release ALT and press enter . you will see a folder without no name. At first try it will be difficult for you to acquire the whole tricks but eventually you will get it right. So try , apology if i failed to make you understand .
Now the second part is easy, you just have to make the folder invisible. To do that select the folder, right click go to properties , click customize , then click Change icon and then you will find many icons available, slowly search for a icon that doesn't show, i mean an invisible icon totally blank, select and then apply .
Thats it, The invisible folder is ready, You can also make it invisible without removing the name. Then only name will appear without the folder

6. On-Screen Keyboard: Ohk this is the most simple trick, in fact it is not a trick. It's for those who yet hasn't heard about it. Sometimes you may need to type something urgently but if you found that your keyboard is not working what you will do? You simple just click Start, then clickall programs , then accessories , then accessibility and then click on-screen key board . Thats it, you can type through the mouse only.

7.Create Shutdown,log off, or hibernate shortcut key: Sometimes we get too lazy and we need some easier way to do our work. Lets create shortcut key to shutdown our computers. At first right click on your desktop free space then click new and select shortcut. A box will appear and type the following word exactly shutdown -r -t 0 . then click ok. A new shortcut folder will be created and you can shut down your computer immediately . For log off or stand by copy the following :
Restart: shutdown -r -t 0
Logoff: shutdown -l -t 0
Hibernate: rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState Hibernate

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How To Receive Signals From an IR Sensor

 I used an infrared LED as transmitter and IR TV-like receiver module. Both parts are available at RadioSchack. The IR waves emitted by the LED reflect from an object and are caught by the receiver. The IR LED emits 940nm wavelength, has radiant power output 16mW at 100ma (max 1.2A), forward voltage 1.2V, and viewing angle to 1/2 intensity 45°. The IR receiver module has passband 950nm±50nm and supply voltage and current of 2.4-5.5V and 0.6ma (under no signal output), respectively.

The IR receiver module is actually a pretty complicated device. It has a maximum sensitivity not to a steady IR signal, but to a one modulated by 38KHz. It contains filters to filter out 38KHz carrier and considers everything else as a noise and ignores those signals. The reception range is rated by 46.2' (approx. 13m). However, this is the case when the module receives a direct waveform transmitted by a remote control unit. In our application the module receives a reflected waveform which reduces its range to about a feet. To minimize errors in signal detection the voltage powering the module must be very good filtered out. The transistor along with the cap and resistor on the schematic do the job.

Therefore, we have to form a 38KHz waveform and direct it to the LED. The 38KHz frequency corresponds to approx. 26μsec period. Out of those 26μsec the IR LED must alternate its on/off state every 13μsec. This is achieved in a program by a loop consisting of 13 instructions. Each instruction that does not modify the PC (program counter) takes 1μsec, otherwise it takes 2μsec. This is true by running the PIC from internal 4MHz oscillator. The schematics is simple and the layout is straightforward and not shown here. We form a package of 10 pulses (the upper oscillogram) and then wait for a considerable time letting the receiver module process the reflected signals. It takes some time indicated by the bottom oscillogram. The horizontal speed of the oscilloscope is 50μsec/div, so it takes about 105μsec for the receiver module to process the reflection. Once a signal is detected, the module output becomes low. Another consequence from these oscillograms is that the IR receiver needs about 250μsec to recover and setting its output high after a signal detection.

At each iteration of the wave-forming loop we also check the output of the IR receiver module. If it gets low, the counter of received pulses increments on 1. If after sending a package of 10 pulses the counter value is 2 or higher, a signal detection is reported and the red LED connected to RC0 gets on. The values 10 and 2 are determined experimentally to achieve a reliable detection. A moving robot equipped with such sensor will get a number of single reflections per package from various objects, which should be ignored. We report detection of an obstacle only if the reflected waveform appears for a considerable time (during at least two 38KHz periods, which is 20% of the pulse sending cycle). In the program, however, the number of received pulses is compared against 4 because we check the IR receiver output during each of 20 half-periods.

The code is as follows:
 TITLE  "ir1.asm"           ; working with TV IR remote
 List P=PIC16F684, R=DEC

; data segment
 CBLOCK 0x20                  
 del   ; variable used for delay
 pulse, pulses2Send, pulsesReceived

; code segment

  org 0                       ; start program at the beginning of mem
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; activate BANK 0
clrf PORTC ; initialize PORT C
movlw 0x07
movwf CMCON0 ; comparators OFF
bsf     STATUS, RP0       ; change to BANK 1

clrf ANSEL ^ 0x80 ; make all inputs digital
bcf TRISC ^ 0x80, 5 ; enable RC5 for output
bcf TRISC ^ 0x80, 0 ; enable RC0 for output
bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; back to BANK 0

clrf pulse ; start with IR pulse value 0
movlw 10
movwf del
call delay ; 50 msec delay

clrf pulsesReceived
movlw 20
movwf pulses2Send

goto $+1
goto $+1
btfss PORTC, 4 ; is there IR reflected waveform?
incf pulsesReceived, f

movlw b'100000'
xorwf pulse, w ; compose a new pulse value
movwf pulse
movwf PORTC ; output the new pulse value
decfsz pulses2Send, f
goto send_pulses ; end of a 26 cycle (38KHz=26.3mksec)

movlw 4
subwf pulsesReceived, w ; C=1 if more than 2 pulses received
movf PORTC, w
andlw 0xFE
btfsc STATUS, C
iorlw 1 ; turn on LED
movwf PORTC

   goto loop ; endless loop

; procedures
delay ; a delay for del milliseconds
movlw 200

sublw 1 ; this loop takes 5us*200 = 1ms
sublw 0 ; for PIC16F684 @ 4 Mhz
btfss STATUS, Z
goto $-3

decfsz del, f
goto delay


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How To Handle Two IR Sensors

Working with two sensors is similar to working with just one. One should alternate the code for the first and the second sensor. It is important to make sure that only one LED emits in a time. This is necessary to avoid the IR receiver modules to catch signals from a wrong LED. In this experiments we practically double the schematic for the previous experiment and the corresponding code: use 2 IR receiver moduls, 2 IR emitting LEDs, and 2 (visible) red light LEDs for indication (one of them is not shown on the schematic and must be attached via a 470 Ohm current-limiting resistor to the hanging pin RC3 of PIC).

The code is as follows:
 TITLE  "ir2.asm"           ; working with two IR sensors  
 List P=PIC16F684, R=DEC

; data segment
 CBLOCK 0x20                   
 del   ; variable used for delay
 pulse, pulses2Send, pulsesReceived

; code segment

  org 0                       ; start program at the beginning of mem
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; activate BANK 0
clrf PORTC ; initialize PORT C
movlw 0x07
movwf CMCON0 ; comparators OFF
bsf     STATUS, RP0       ; change to BANK 1

clrf ANSEL ^ 0x80 ; make all inputs digital
movlw b'101101'
movwf TRISA ^ 0x80 ; enable RA1 and RA4 for output
bcf TRISC ^ 0x80, 2 ; enable RC2 for output
bcf TRISC ^ 0x80, 3 ; enable RC3 for output
bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; back to BANK 0

clrf pulse ; start with IR pulse value 0
movlw 10
movwf del
call delay ; 10 msec delay

; process pulses from the right sensor
clrf pulsesReceived
movlw 20
movwf pulses2Send

goto $+1
goto $+1
btfss PORTA, 0 ; is there IR reflected waveform?
incf pulsesReceived, f

movlw b'10'
xorwf pulse, w ; compose a new pulse value
movwf pulse
movwf PORTA ; output the new pulse value
decfsz pulses2Send, f
goto send_pulses1 ; end of a 26 cycle (38KHz=26.3mksec)

movlw 4
subwf pulsesReceived, w ; C=1 if more than 2 pulses received
movf PORTC, w
andlw b'11111011'
btfsc STATUS, C
iorlw b'100' ; turn on LED
movwf PORTC

; process pulses from the left sensor
clrf pulsesReceived
movlw 20
movwf pulses2Send

goto $+1
goto $+1
btfss PORTA, 5 ; is there IR reflected waveform?
incf pulsesReceived, f

movlw b'10000'
xorwf pulse, w ; compose a new pulse value
movwf pulse
movwf PORTA ; output the new pulse value
decfsz pulses2Send, f
goto send_pulses2 ; end of a 26 cycle (38KHz=26.3mksec)

movlw 4
subwf pulsesReceived, w ; C=1 if more than 2 pulses received
movf PORTC, w
andlw b'11110111'
btfsc STATUS, C
iorlw b'1000' ; turn on LED
movwf PORTC

   goto loop ; endless loop

; procedures
delay ; a delay for del milliseconds
movlw 200

sublw 1 ; this loop takes 5us*200 = 1ms
sublw 0 ; for PIC16F684 @ 4 Mhz
btfss STATUS, Z
goto $-3

decfsz del, f
goto delay


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How To Display Google adsense in the middle of post

Here is the first method on how you can put Google adsense in the middle of your Blogspot post.

  • Log in to your Blogspot dashboard
  • Go to Layout and Edit Html of your template and select Expand Widget
  • Find this code: <data :post.body/>
  • Replace the above code (#3) with the following new code:

<div expr:id=’&quot;aim1&quot; +’></div>
<div style=&quot;clear:both; margin:10px 0&quot;>
<!– Your parsed Google AdSense code here –>
<div expr:id=’&quot;aim2&quot; +’>
<data :post.body/>

  • Save your template. Done.

Now, everytime your write a new post, put this code <!– adsense –> in the middle of the post at location where you want the adsense to appear.
So, you have actually a choice to minimize te breaking effect of the adsense to the post flow you are presenting to your reader. It is best to put the adsense after a block of information flow is completed before the next one. In other words, avoid placing the adsense in the middle of an information block that will distract your reader attention.

Second technique to put Google adsense in the middle of post
Below are steps you can follow to put Google adsense in the middle of your post.

  • In your template html, find this code: <data :post.body/>
  • Replace that with the following:

<div expr:id=’”aim1″ +’></div><div style=”clear:both; margin:10px 0″>
<!– Your AdSense code here –>
<div expr:id=’”aim2″ +’>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var obj0=document.getElementById(“aim1<>”);
var obj1=document.getElementById(“aim2<>”);
var s=obj1.innerHTML;
var\x3C!– adsense –\x3E/igm);
if(r>0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+16);}

  • Save your template to finish.

Now, everytime your write a post, put this code <!– adsense –> in the middle of the post where you want the ad to display.
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How to Split the New Template Designer Header from 1 to 2 Columns

Template Designer in Blogger is available under Design in your Dashboard. There are many pre-built templates in Template Designer provided by Blogger Blogspot for their users to choose from. And their designs are cool, too. Those pre-made templates are also easier to implement, and thus have made blogging and template selection to become more straightforward. With these New Template Designer, bloggers (beginners, especially) do not have to worry much about looking for template, downloading and applying it.
However, some other bloggers may want to have more features which are not available in the Template Designer. And one of the things is to have 2 columns on header so they can display something beside their blog title. This is not included in the Template Designer because they only provide a single header column. Many bloggers do not like to have so much empty space after the blog header and they look around how to put one more column beside the blog title. Can we do that? Of course!

What can You Put Beside Blog Title?
If you have 2 headers columns, then one of them is for your blog title. Another column may be for one of the followings:

  • An advertisement. With Google adsense, you can have a contextual or image adsense or the two alternating each other. The best Google adsense beside blog title is either 728 x 90 Leaderboard or 468 x 60 Banner. You can the same ad size from your affiliate programs as an alternative to Google adsense.
  • Popular Post. You can this Popular Post widget through Add a Gadget. You can add up to 10 posts from your popular posts, but to place it on header, it is better not display more than 5 posts.
  • Recent Post; posts you have just added.
  • Static image to flourish your blog.

So How Can You Split The Template Designer into 2 Columns?
Follow steps below:

  • Log in to your Blogger Dashboard
  • Click Design and HTML
  • Make sure NOT to select Expand Widget Templates box
  • Find the Code1 shown on the right
  • Just below Code1 in your template, add Code2
  • Then find ]]></b:skin>
  • Insert Code3 just before ]]></b:skin>
  • Save your template

<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='My Test  Blog (Header)' type='Header'/>

<b:section id='header-right' showaddelement='yes'/>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

#header, body#layout #header {width:30%;display:inline-block;float:left;}
#header-right, body#layout #header-right {width:65%;display:inline-block;float:right;padding:15px;}
#header-right .widget {margin:0;}

To Adjust Width of the 2 Columns in Header
The width of the 2 columns in header you have just created is dictated by Code3. In example given here the column width for blog title (left column) is 30% of the total width, while the second column on the right next to the blog title columns is 65%. You can adjust this proportion according to your situation. You may need a little experiment to reach the right proportion.

Important for the Right Column
If you want to put a 728 x 90 Leaderboard adsense for the right header column, you would likely to have more than 1000px for your total template width. In Template Designer, you will only able to have 1000px maximum for the total width. To have more than that, look for the following code (Code4) in your template html and adjust them accordingly.

<b:variable default='930px' name='content.width' type='length' value='1000px'/>
<b:variable default='0' name='main.column.left.width' type='length' value='0px'/>

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How To make Rat Repeller

You can build electronics rat repeller. How to work is based on the frequency ultrasonic wave that make crasy them, its about 25-40kHz. In this frequency the human beeing will not hearing, but not for rat, mosquito, bat ,etc.
The key is IC 555 to generate ultrasonics wave. The schematic available now:

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LAN Connection Between Windows XP And Windows 7

To connect Windows 7 OS with Windows XP, change the workgroup name of either one of the OS. I recommend you changing the workgroup name of Windows XP from MSHOME to WORKGROUP.

  • To change Workgroup in Windows XP, right click on My Computer .
  • Click on properties.
  • In Computer Name tab, Check the workgroup. By default it is MSHOME. (In my case I named it WORKGROUP).

  • To change it, click on Change button. A new window will pop up. There you can define your own workgroup name.

  • Now both of your OSes have same workgroup name.

  • Now in windows 7 PC, go to control panel > Network and Sharing Center.
  • At the left sidebar, click on Change advanced sharing settings. 

  • In new window, Turn on Network discovery, File and printer sharing and Public folder sharing by clicking on the respective radio button.
  • Under File sharing connections, Click on Files sharing for devices that use 40- or 56- bit encryption. (Windows XP may not support 128 bit encryption) .
  • And turn of Password protected sharing.

Do the same for Public and Home or Network connection

  • Now you may run Home Network wizard (Control Panel>Setup Home Network) in windows XP. 
  • Then there you’ll have easy LAN connection. Make sure that workgroup name during wizard is setup to WORKGROUP not MSHOME

  • Now you can easily access files and folder and even internet and printers from network.

  • You can see the files in network.

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How To Make USB storage devices totally useless without your permission.

To block all the storage device in your Windows, run registry editor by typing regedit in RUN command.
In the registry editor, at left side navigation pane, navigate to following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > USBSTOR
Now at the right side double click on START.

To block USB storage Medias, change the value data to 4.

If you want to unblock USB storage Medias just navigate to the same location and change th value data to 3.

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How to uninstall one of the two Windows XP in a single PC


  • Right click on my computer icon
  • Click on properties on advanced tab
  • Select settings on startup and recovery

  • Click on edit startup file manually

  • Delete the entry of the os installation you want to uninstall

  • Then delete the windows files manually in the drive.


Step 1

Login in that windows, which u want keep going .

Step 2

Type "msconfig" in start - >search programs then press enter .

Step 3

Then a window will appear select tab in that window.

Step 4

you will see both of your windows .If you see your favorite windows as a current OS then do noting .
if you don't find same then set your favorite windows as default .

Step 5

Now delete other windows (which you want to remove ) entry . Then close that window..

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Laptop Overheating Problem [Solved]

I was facing overheat problem on my sony lappy E opened the base my self and cleaned the air vents from inside with clean piece of cloth and it is fine....air vents get clogged over time.

If u want to do it here are the steps(yours is also E series so i guess steps should be same)::

  • Remove bettery
  • Remove RAM cover which is at the center(NO NEED TO REMOVE RAM just the cover)
  • Remove hard drive cover which is at the right side bottom.
  • Now remove hard drive(this part is tricky,dont pull hard drive out as it is since it is connected to motherboard by data and power ports, so first slide the drive to the side where there is some free space ,this will disconnect it from motherboard and then pull it out )
  • Now remove all the screws visible to you at bottom
  • Now remove the base from the side where battery was connected,it should come out easily.
  • Clean lappy and then connect everything back...

It is really easy to open and clean but if you are not sure that you can do it yourself then take it to service center.....get it cleaned because overheating is the biggest problem in lappy and can kill you motherboard or other parts...

Dont under estimate the laptop vent.. it can easy get dust... there are many videos in youtube.. how to open a laptop.. type your laptop name and search for a particular video...
After that get a laptop cooler.. it is around Rs. 300.. buy a single fan cooler..

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How to turn your cellphone into a credit/debit card

Easy to do mod for an extra credit/debit card with RFID chip (i.e. Paypass).

How to turn your cellphone into a credit/debit card

Using this method, you will be able to locate and extract the RFID chip in your spare
Paypass-capable card and place it in your cellphone. This will allow you to present your cellphone at Paypass terminals (movie theaters, McDonalds, etc..) and pay using the RFID chip.
Step 1: Get your materials

Get your materials

Items needed:
- Spare credit/debit card with embedded RFID chip (if go to your bank and request a new card they will typically send you a new card w/ the same number and info).
- Scissors
- Cellphone
- Magic marker/ Sharpie
Step 2: Find the Chip

Find the ChipFind the Chip

I am using an old, deactivated debit card. I found the RFID chip in a previous card by cutting into it randomly. 
I DO NOT recommend this method if you don't know where the chip is, as you could obviously damage the chip and make it unusable.
I do not know if all cards are setup with the RFID in the same location, but if they are, my guidelines will give you a good idea where to start.

If not, I was able to see the impression of the chip on the back of the card when I looked at it from an angle in a well lit room (it appeared as a small square impression only a few millimeters across).

Make sure to mark out a guideline to cut along that goes from the bottom of the magnetic strip to the top of the imprinted card numbers. This will yield a decent size chunk of the card with the RFID in the center.
Step 3: Cut out the chip

Cut out the chip
 Cut out the chip  Cut out the chip

Be very careful when cutting out the chip.

Less is more!

The initial size may be fine for many people and is small enough to be placed in many cellphones or anything else you can think of. But if you're like me and have an env2 or similarly compact phone you need it a little bit smaller.

Going any further than the initial cutout comes with the risk of damaging the chip.
Consider yourself warned.

When cutting close to the chip you may break the seal around it and the sides may begin to separate.
You DO NOT want this to happen as you want the plastic for insulation around the chip.
Step 4: Place the chip in your phone

Place the chip in your phone   Place the chip in your phone

This last step is pretty self-explanatory.
However, there are two possible ways to go about it.

1. I've found that the easiest way of placing the chip inside the phone is by placing it inside the battery cover.
In the case of my env2 and other compact cellphones, there is very little wiggle room available to place anything extra in the battery compartment. For my phone, I would trim the card more than shown in order to create a lower profile inside the battery compartment.
For others the chip in the size I show here may be more than adequate.

2. This second option is for those are not utilizing their microSD card slots (if available).The plastic around the RFID can usually be trimmed enough so that it is able to fit into a microSD card slot.
I only offer this option as an alternative for those willing and able to do so. Just make sure you can remove the chip from the slot and that there is no way to cause a short while the chip is in the slot.
Step 5: Success



You now have a fully operational RFID-embedded cellphone.

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How to Interface Arduino with Visual Basic

I have tried VB2 and VB6. It is an easy environment for Hardware Engineers or Hobbyists to program. It means easy to code unlike C++. Programs made with the new VB may not be compact or fast; but as it runs on a Virtual DotNet Machine and is bug-safe and may not hang/boot too. The DotNet was MS answer to Java of Sun. Even Java is a simple language and it seems to be lighter too. DotNet of late has become a bigger download, more than 10 times the size it started with.

MS can try Visual Basic Webapp on the Cloud using HTML5. Even remotely hosted DotNet is better, with the VB Apps as Web Applications using DotNet WebService. Then nothing to download, neither the update or the security fixes. Just provide something like jQuery for DotNet. Web VB would be a better thing for developers.
Its possible, i have collected many WebApps here, Dact Apps – Web Applications for an Engineer or Hobbyist
Arduino is a QuickStart Embedded system, very useful in learning both the hardware and software elements of a system. “”>Michael of Flakelabs is started using the .Net Micro Framework. This is something like an OS for a
Small HandHeld Device.
4.1 release, the .NET Micro Framework enables developers to create powerful embedded systems that are more securely connected through a variety of wired and wireless protocols. The 4.1 release is also the first release under the Apache 2.0 license.
From what i understand, the developed app can be burned into the device fully, no additional layer of OS or Firmware needed, It is all built in. In short the compiled binary can be either a stand-alone firmware(OS) or be a layer running over a Mobile OS.
Now putting Ardunio and VB together, we get an Hardware/Software Environment that is easy on students and hobbyists too.

Fermata written by Andrew Craigie

Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers from software on a host computer. It is intended to work with any host computer software package. See more examples ….

Arduino – Simple temperature monitor also see Visual C++ and Arduino

“Then for those that liked Java, He gave the Processing … thenceforward, the Inspired People made many Large Sketches and the Globe Glowed like Warm White LED Lamp”

(Processing is an IDE. It can also be used in Android mode, for that you will need Android SDK Installed.)

See this Steven’s Temperature Display and this Serial Comm using Processing. This compiles Java exe and Jar Applets. It can create programs for Windows, Linux and Mac.
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How to access Pay sites for FREE

When you look for answers in search engines, sometimes when you click on the most relevant answer to a question, you might get your answer from a site that in any other case would have asked you to register or is a pay site.
How did Google index this site and access pay sites? You can be sure that Google did not pay any registration fees to access this content on pay sites. Instead, the webmasters of that particular site let Google in so that they can get more visitors through Search engines such as Google.
When Google needs to index websites, it does through an automatic robot known as the Googlebot which crawls the internet, looking for information to add to the Google database and using Google’s PageRank algorithm, you are returned the most relevant results for your search query and are ranked accordingly based on a number of factors.
So, how to access pay sites?
Well, we are going to disguise our browser as the Googlebot. Every browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera have a unique signature which identifies them. This is known as the useragent of that browser. For example, if you wish to find out what browser you are using, you can go to DNS Stuff, which will tell you what browser you are using and other information which it extracts using the user agent of your browser.
Access Pay Sites using Mozilla Firefox 
If you are using Internet Explorer, I would highly recommend you download the latest Mozilla Firefox browser which is more secure and much faster.
In Firefox, all we need is a simple extension and import this file (right click and save). You get a list of user agent settings including Googlebot/2.1 and settings for many other spiders/bots.
Once you install the user agent for your browser, close and restart your browser. Go to Tools –> User Agent Switcher –>Options –> Options –> User Agents

Under User Agents, click add and add the following information as shown from below

You are all set now. All you need to do is turn of Javascript in your browser. Go to User Agent Switcher, choose Google Bot, and access Pay sites for FREE using the Mozilla Firefox. If you still did not download Firefox,
Access Pay Sites for free using Opera
Changing the user agent is easy, to do this in Opera you have to uses these settings:
User Agent: Googlebot/2.1 Compatible: Webmaster Help Center
Access Pay sites for free using Internet Explorer 
Internet Explorer users you will need to change the registry entries, to do this open notepad and copy this into it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVer sionInternet Settings5.0User Agent] @=”Googlebot/2.1″ “Compatible”=”+
Then save it as ua.reg and double click on it.
To revert the changes back, you will need to do the same but this time copy this in:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVer sionInternet Settings5.0User Agent] @=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)”
Save as oua.reg and double click.
To see if it has worked go here and your browser should now be Googlebot v2.1
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How to prevent your pen drive from getting infected with Virus ?

Friends many of your PC/laptop's normally gets virus because of Pen Drives or USB devices (Even PC's who are not connected to network ). Some Virus like Ravmon Virus , Heap41a worm which are not detected by anti virus normally spreads mostly by the Pen Drives . In such a case what can you do to prevent your PC from getting infected with Virus that spreads through USB devices or Pen Drives ?

You can protect your PC by just following the simple steps below . It won't take much time.

* Connect your Pen Drive or USB drive to your computer .
* Now a dialogue window will popup asking you to choose among the options as shown in the figure.

* Don't choose any of them , Just simply click Cancel .
* Now go to Start--> Run and type cmd to open the Command Promt window .
* Now go to My Computer and Check the Drive letter of your USB drive or Pen Drive. ( E.g. If it is written Kingston (I , then I: will be the drive letter .)
* In the Command Window ( cmd ) , type the drive letter: and Hit Enter .
* Now type dir/w/o/a/p and Hit Enter.
* You will get a list of files . In the list , search if anyone of the following do exist .

1. Autorun.inf
2. New Folder.exe
3. Bha.vbs
4. Iexplore.vbs
5. Info.exe
6. New_Folder.exe
7. Ravmon.exe
8. RVHost.exe or any other files with .exe Extension .

* If you find any one of the files above , Run the command attrib -h -r -s -a *.* and Hit Enter.
* Now Delete each File using the following Command del filename ( E.g del autorun.inf ) .
* That's it . Now just scan your USB drive with the anti virus you have to ensure that you made your Pen Drive free of Virus .

Now Unplug your Pen Drive or USB device and Plug it again to your Laptop/PC . Before removing your Pen Drive from others Computer , Don't forget to search for .exe files using the Windows search and remove them .
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